Monday, February 21, 2011

Site Observations Day 4

Site 1: Pond
Pictures taken by Emily Seay
I saw 10 brown and white geese and some all brown Canadian geese (Branta canadensis) in the pond, belonging to the Animalia kingdom

I saw cattails (Typha latifolia) by the pond belonging to the Plant Kingdom
Fungus on a log

Site 2: Creek
Fungus on a log
On the log their is fungus that I saw by the pond belonging to the Plant kingdom
(Bacidia incompta)

Skunk Cabbage
Skunk Cabbage
I saw skunk cabbage by the creek, it was like a orange being pilled, it was red, green, white, and yellow in color by the creek belonging to the plant kingdom. (Symplocarpus foetidus)

Raccoon Footprints
Belonging to the Animal Kingdom, the picture is a picture of raccoon footprints
Procyon lotor

 Site 3: Deep Woods 
Belonging to the Animal Kingdom, I saw a bee sleeping in a log, the bee was yellow and black.
Dolichovespula maculata. Bald-facedhornet
Bald Face Hornet

-I saw all the animals and plants that I have included from
the bee to the skunk cabbage to the raccoon tracks.
-I felt the wind and the sun as they both brushed my face,
warming me and chilling me at the same time
-I heard my fellow classmates talk and buses and cars on the road
near by.


  1. Good job! Those are some nice pics and good info, shoot i would have never know the scientific names to these things.. But good kjob keep up the good work haha
